Pretending that you are into someone, till the very last minute, then you ditch them to throw some super expensive stone in the water.
"John proposed to me, then I totally started Jacking My Rose and shouted "I don't want all your expensive diamonds... Here untraceable bottomless depths, have some valuable stones".
A crackhead, lovely, beautiful girl, yet she’s on the short side that you need in your life. Mali-Rose doesn’t realise her real beauty and her friends will never stop telling her that she is until she realises it even if they have to punch her in the face. Mali-Rose hates scary movies and whenever her and her friends have a sleepover they have to watch a comedy instead of a horror. Mali-Rose has a great small circle of best friends that always argue but always make up again. You need a Mali-Rose in your life
Oh look it’s Mali-Rose
Wait isn’t she the short one of the friend group yet the most fiesty
Yeah don’t mess with her she’ll get her little brother on you
Inge-Rose is someone who likes to stand up for what's right... She's brave in most eyes but deep down all she wants is for someone to understand her... She's beautiful but thinks she's ugly... She's insecure but she still smiles through everything
Trash Nutella..rose or starxrose is trash 🤢🤮
“hey who is you’re fav fp”
“I’m not you’re friend anymore”
When a girl get married while on her period. But still proceeds to do the deed that evening
The Day that Zesty got married, His wife gave him a Crimson Rose that evening.
the act of twisting a person's balls counter clockwise with a mechanical claw while inserting a rose to their urethra
I want to watch the video of Qwaned twisted rosing Alch.
A very classy girl !! Someone who is outgoing and does everything she can to make others around her feel needed and loved evern if shes not in the best state herself. She puts people before her anyday no matter who it is or what the situation. She finds its hard to open up to people and isnt very fond of the way she looks even though people tell her different. She has her ups and downs and doesnt know how to deal with it but no matter what she always seems to have a smile on her face and tell people shes fine. All she really wants is to keep the people she cares for most close to her and thats her only motivation. Dont let her down just yet shes almost there.
Keely-rose is a trust worthy , beautiful young lady who would put the world before herself