Lurking about being nosey, or tending others business.
This fool has been progging around my trash can.
When you masterbate with a dirty hand and leave dirt rings on your palm by your thumb
Eww!! I met the new guy at work and he tried to shake my hand and he had ring around the thumb .
Sorry sir but bro! Clean your fuckin hands you got bad ring around the thumb!
When the pussy has been cleansed prior to penetration
The aggressive rinse around had me moist and ready for play time. I was thoroughly rinsed.
Where the pussy is cleansed with salvia prior to penetration
It slipped right in after the aggressive rinse around.
A trip where you go 360 degrees clockwise around the Earth. Basically around the sphere.
Person 1: "So you're saying you went on a trip around the world?! No way!"
Person 2: "Yeah, it was fun."
Similar to a peeking Tom, but he takes it a step further and follows the person around. Not to confuse with with a stalker Tom, cause that's the next step
Babe, did you ever spy and creep on me like a peeping Tom, cuz you definitely followed me around everywhere like follow me around Tom...
It's that thing when a guy from Wyoming simply reaches around and firmly grasps a girls boobs (or another mans pecs) and gently massages them like he would an old cows' tired udder.
Last night Billy did a Wyoming reach around on me and it felt so amazing... Firm yet gentle.