a serious disease diagnosed when injecting marijuanas
marijuanas took my best friend when we where 15 he developed dank disease to his lung 3 months before he was born and he died at birth i never got to met him he was the best guy i ever knew and i still remember the last time i see him everyday
A disease mostly affecting people from tropic and sub tropics environments, RMBD is contracted when one of these people attempt spending a winter in the Rockies, and then end up staying indoors for 5 months. Symptoms include, but are not limited to, an increase in waist size, and a much larger gluteus maximus, pale pasty skin, and a smell of poor hygiene.
Jane moved here last summer from Cali and ended up catching Rocky Mountain Butt Disease.
A disease where an individual’s happiness comes from food or the idea of consuming food.
Cass and Em have EC disease.
Shins disease is another term for a completely monstrous hangover off strictly bud lites.
“Yeah I was down the shore last night slamming thirty or forty bud lites with the fam and I woke up this with the absolute WORST case of shins disease”
Shins disease is another term for a completely monstrous hangover after getting absolutely destroyed off bud lite.
“Yeah I was in wildwood with my fam slamming bud lites last night and I just woke up with the WORST case of shins disease”
The condition that a human fly suffers from.
Damn, you'd think she'd leave me alone after I rejected her 10 years ago.
Maybe she has human fly disease?
I have a case of hand to mouth disease and am fat.