A brotherhood and sisterhood that supports each other and gives industry professionals guidance. Founded by Pimping Ken, where Ice T is an advisor, Univeral Recording A&R Sensei is the Ceo of the Kentucky division, Vado is the COO, James CB Gray is the President of the National Chapter.
When I have a problem in the music industry. I get representation, from The Hip Hop fraternity to represent me.
Creek Hopping is eating out one girl's pussy and then immediately eating out another girl's pussy
Dude, I went creek hopping with Tina and her twin sister
The 10 or more men fuck 1 girl and fill her mouth and ass with there cum and wd40
Kaedon: He Sydney do you want to hop on r6 later with the bois
Sydney: Ya sure
When you enter a mall and cannot leave before you have consumed an alcoholic beverage at each vendor within the mall, (networks of malls).
Wanna leave work early and mall hop?
What happened on your last mall hop?
Exaggerating when you buy a lot from a store.
Ex. Wanna mall hop tomorrow.
Ex. Plural. We just mall hopped.
Hop on carlos is when you have hard-core anal butsex with a friend group of 3 people while eating your own microwaved shit mixed with throw up and watch spedman no way to africa.
Hey man wanna hop on carlos later on while we listen to 3 little monkeys sitting on a bed?
Sure man let me ask our other friends