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A person wearing excessive make-up.

Mana is adorable, but he's a total face-cake.

by ChibiChrissi May 17, 2006

12πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

nub cake

a person who sucks at a game or activity

omfg that nub cake cant shoot straight!

by slimy poo August 15, 2007

17πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Bifkin Cake

A Bifkin Cake is a word used whenever a spur-of-the-moment joke is spoiled by the recurring flow of comments following the main punchline.

Whenever something amusing or comical happens in a real-life situation, a group of people that witnessed the event would then start to create funny punchlines that would cause uprorious laughter among them. These punchlines can remain funny for up to two or three people; however, when someone over estimates the boundaries of the joke and adds in one-too-many punchlines, they have unwillingly lost the appeal of the joke to their group. Signs of this happening include: Pity laughter from one or two members of the group; no laughter from most members and a nervous cough from a passive member. If all these signs are present, then the last one to say a punchline has done a 'Bifkin,' and will be ignored by the rest of their herd for up to 5-10 minutes until the Bifkin is forgotten.

"Yesterday this really funny thing happened on the bus. Everyone was making up funny sayings made-up from different words; but Jim spoilt it all by doing a 'Bifkin cake.'"

by N.S April 29, 2006

25πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

potato cake

the pancake version of mashed potatoes which is used after thanksgiving when there is an excess amount of mashed potatoes left over

Well looks like we are gonna make us up a potato cake tonight since we have a fridge full of mashed potatoes

by madison davis November 26, 2005

10πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

baby cakes

β€’Cakes made by babies
β€’Cakes made from babies
β€’A pet name for a partner.

1) These babycakes aren't even cooked! It's just dough with handprints on it.

2) John: These baby cakes are delicious! What's the secret ingredient?

Stuart: Well I hung arounf an abortion clinic claiming that I was collecting foetuses for embryonic stem cell research.

John: *spits out cake*

by Gumba Gumba August 4, 2004

146πŸ‘ 196πŸ‘Ž

Cake Eater

Cake eater comes from the often misunderstood and misattributed phrase, "Let them eat cake!". Many say it was spoken my Marie Antoinette while others say the quote was originally attributed to Maria Theresa of Spain. Supposedly during the French Revolution when the hungry french were begging for bread to eat Marie replied with "Let them eat cake."

According to Wikipedia, it is in reference to "oven cake" which was used to clean out the brick ovens when too much soot and creosote built up; therefore she was saying "Let them eat crap," because she could care less about their hunger.

As the phrase has been misunderstood, many believed that she was saying, "Let them eat cake"; meaning, if they have no bread then let them eat cake, as her wealth and privilege did not allow her to understand that if the poor could not buy bread then they could also not afford cake. Because of this understanding people not of the bourgeoisie refer to the upper class as "cake eaters", people who are so wealthy and clueless of the difficulty that being poor can bring.

Paris: "Oh, my God, that refugee look is so hot! I would totally love to look like that, I don't know what their complaining about; just look at her cheekbones!"

Angelina: "God Paris, you're such a cake eater!"

by Her Royal Madness November 6, 2007

92πŸ‘ 119πŸ‘Ž

Cake eater

A person who is rich or has some sort of wealth handed to them. These people usually slid by in society with the help of their parents. These children's don't do much for themselves and get spoiled.. Also most of the time cake eaters are young teenagers.

Loyola Academy students are cake eaters

by Loyola student November 5, 2013

8πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž