Hardball with Chris Matthews was an American television talk show that was hosted by Chris Matthews. The program premiered on the now-defunct America's Talking network in 1994 (as Politics with Chris Matthews) before moving on CNBC, and then to MSNBC, where it remained until its end in 2020.
Hardball with Chris Matthews was originally broadcast on CNBC from 1997 until 1999, after which the program was moved to MSNBC
Today is abuse Matthew Vanotti day, it is on the 12/11 and it’s the day to just beat the shit out of him. Although I love you and you are my boyfriend this will be interesting 😘
Oooh it’s the 12th of November ITS ABUSE MATTHEW DAY
A certain Shannon and a certain Matthew should never be together.
A union between these two individuals would spell disaster because these two are not physically attracted to each other at all.
A certain Matthew cannot be with a Shannon without the aid of something like Viagra, and also..Matthew will yell at a poor Shannon any time she wants to do something intimate, because he is more interested in playing with his cards.
Shannon thought that Matthew would do much better with a certain Ian, but this will also probably never happen.
Oh look, someone made a post on Urban Dictionary about how Shannon and Matthew belong together! Isn't that sweet!
Too bad Matthew actually intimidated Shannon into going out with him in reality!
a journey taken by a young polish boy to find his roots back in europe
damn just edged to Matthew Polgar's Europe Blog
Biggest qt on the planet and Oliver da Goat 2024
Oliver Van Aken for president: Matthew Capriotti approves this message.
Matthew Kain is a term used to describe somebody who is an absolute unit. It comes from the Latin term “Matthias Kainus” which translates roughly to “sickest mofo on the planet.” People with the name Matthew Kain are generally considered unstoppable and irresistible to women, or men if he really wanted not that he would tho.
“I wish I was Matthew Kain” said Michelle, Lily, Laura and Lachlan.
A good friend but can get crazy. Generally has ADHD so will get off task easily. If he doesn't have his morning pills he will eat cheerios with water, strawberry yogurt, apple juice, and oranges.
"Eww did matthew kang really eat that"
"Matthew did you take your pills today?!"