An act of shoving a candy bar in the rectum and leaving it in there for three days, after it is half melted inside, you have a guy plunder fuck you in the rectum until his milks inside you, after this step is over; you finally finish it off by making your rectum bleed.
Now you have officially made a hot Fudge Sunday Move, make sure to not do this on a regularly day base, this could lead to internal bleeding.
Use with precaution.
Baby Gurl you got my rectum looking like a hot fudge Sunday move
Also known as a Toyota Celica specifically black 7th gens
Ladi Dadi drives a moving tampon
A Larry "move" is whenyour man is so cheap he wears childrens glasses he got from a donation bin even though he's got money.
That's a real Larry "move" there homie, your cheap.
A Larry "move" is when your man is so cheap he wears childrens hand me down glasses from a donation bin.
That's a real Larry "move" there homie.
A Larry move is when your man is so cheap he wears children's hand me down glasses from a donation bin.
That's a real Larry "move" there homi.
When you do something while wearing Christian Louboutin shoes with red bottoms.
I just got a new car. I'm making bloody moves.
When a friend knows you like a girl, and he steals her either way, breaking the Bro Code and furthermore your former friendship.
-"Dude, did you remember that time when Fernando made a Cuenca move?"
"Yeah, it was with Caro right? Didn't Sergio like her?"
"Yeah she did LOL"