Nathan is quiet around almost everyone but not his freinds once you become freinds with him you will wish you never did of how much he will be talking
Nathan is always talking non stop
Some would say the perfect guy. Potential dater of Katie Varga. Is HOT. Most attractive man ever known to man. Is the epidemy of the sigma grindset.
Not just
Hot man
Another level
Nathan is on
Hey yk Nathan? Yeah he's pretty cool.
Occupation: Tomato Queen
Nathans must be stopped, they are the root of all evil, cabbage and cookies must win against the tomato queens known as nathans.
Literally anything is better than a nathan, nathans can be anything bad, such as the local racist, that one serial killer on the news, if they are evil or bad, its because of nathan. That piece of shit.
Person 1: Dang I can't believe that dude kidnapped a child
Person 2: Wow, I can't believe nathan did that
Person 1: Nathans worse than a karen
Person 2: Agreed
Both: Fuck nathans am I right
nathan gets turned on by hentai cause all the girls hate his weineeeeeee face
Nathan is only the greatest person ever! He has the power of the gods!!!
Person 1: Nathan is Great!
Person 2: He has The power of the gods!!!
Person 1: Yes
Nathan can not be trusted. He is back stabbing and will try anything to get what he wants
Nathan is a stealer of the girlfriends. He riggles in by being ‘friends’ with the female and then turns her against her spouse.
If you have a girl who knows a Nathan… run
Nathan turned her against me man there’s nothing I can do!