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Goblin mode expert

Goblin mode is a variation of the cowgirl sex position where the person on top has their hands and feet planted onto the other person and simultaneously grunting and occasional manic laughing. A goblin mode expert is this but the person on top never breaks character. Enjoys it so much sometimes they lose themselves and cannot control themselves even after the person on bottom has had enough. Be careful out there.

Oh no she’s a goblin mode expert!

by Hlab hlab March 5, 2022

14πŸ‘ 80πŸ‘Ž

sport mode

That moment when you are half way in between a boner and flaccid penis while doing intense lifting in either the gym or any other physical activity.

"that last set was epic. check it out, im in sport mode"

by jew fool August 29, 2015

1πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

chocolate brownie a la mode

This is a sexual act in which one jizzes onto the body of an indian woman. The aftermath looks like a warm chocolate brownie topped with melting vanilla ice cream

Your Honor, there's no way she got knocked up by my jizz, for I distinctly remember doing a chocolate brownie a la mode on that ho, placing my boys nowhere near the crime scene.

by Colin H. May 14, 2006

57πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

German Brownie a la Mode

When a Male or female dedicates on a plate, shapes it into a square and a Male excretes his "ice cream" as a topping onto the said "brownie" which is to then be eaten after consuming a hearty meal.

"Honey, that was an exquisite German Brownie a la Mode we ate last night. I'm so happy your a vegan!"

by Did you get that email I sent? January 30, 2019

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sex in single player mode


I’m gonna go home and have sex in single player mode

by Loki19634 January 16, 2019

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The Joy of Creation; Story Mode

The Joy of Creation; Story Mode is a long-ish, single-player game with 5 levels, in each level introducing up to 5 unique characters introducing each different types of attacks and attempting to ruthlessly murdering you.
In this game you play as each member of Scott Cawthon's family, including his Wife and Nicholas Cawthon (Named Nick), his infant son. You gain information from Micheal (Possibly Afton), who tries to teach you through each level. The first level is the Bedroom, where you play as Nick. Freddy comes from the window, trying to peek in your room. When he does look into your bedroom, you have almost no time to close the window before he lets himself in and kills you. Bonnie comes from the door, knocking once, twice, thrice, and after the 3rd knock, enters. You need to turn off the bed and lay, or sit, down. After a while he will leave. Chica comes from the closet. Turn the light off, and frequently glance at her. Foxy comes from under the bed, when he places the hook on the bed, turn the light off, and go to sleep (Via, laying down and sleeping.)

I love The Joy of Creation; Story Mode!

by Ares, Weeb God February 24, 2021

Maxtard (Full retard mode)

Maxtard is a short version of a maximal retard, a retarded retard. Max-tard.

This word is depraved from the saying ''Full retard'' wich was mentioned in the movie ''Tropic Thunder'', where someone made a very stupid movie and a man gave him advice to never go full retard.

In short: Never go full retard..

Man1: ''You went full retard. Never go full retard.''

Guy1: ''Oh my god, did you see John totally act stupid when drunk and get hated by all the girls?''
Guy2: ''Yeah, he's so maxtarded, going full retard is always bad.''
Guy3: ''Maxtard (Full retard mode) is such a lame word, you guys.''

by Dan the Man NL August 17, 2009

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