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Baby Pump

A baby pump is a girl who has sex with a lot of men ; a girl that gets pregnant often;

Yoo that bitch had sex 8 times this week! "werd she a baby pump"

Yo she pregnant again, thats the 4 time this year, and its January.

by krook2 December 26, 2011

3 a.m. Lil Pump Phone Summoning

a challenge that if you attempt it dont call back or text

the 3 a.m. Lil Pump Phone Summoning is dangerous

by John f Deliberate March 10, 2019

Pumping Slop

A thing you do over the weekend and tell your co-workers about over the weekend.

Mike: So, what did you guys do over the weekend?
Steve: Just hung out with the family
Dave: I was Pumping Slop all weekend!

by Kyuubinoneko October 15, 2019

bow to pump

1. originates the Japanese word "yagamo" which literally translates to "arrow duck", but is also short for "ya ga mune ni sasuru", meaning "an arrow strikes my chest" or "a bow and arrow shot my blood-pump."

2. cupid has struck.

while seeing their crush come in
Ruruna: Total bow to pump!

by MoonlightMaiden July 29, 2021

chicken pump

my dog when it makes its legs go in circles and chingles its tags.

the chicken pump was just annoying me. maybe my dog will se this and stop.

by leethaxxor January 29, 2004

read your pump

To read one's pump is to notice when an individual has recently lifted. Often used as a compliment or praise, acknowledging another individuals swollen muscles.

"Hey bro, your arms are looking juicy af right now. You do arms today?"
"Yeah, I did actually, how'd you notice?"
"Brother, I read your pump"

by Natty Lyfe May 12, 2023

Yabbie Pump

The art of self gratification using a bait pump to achieve arousal

Bra you ever knobed yaself off with a yabbie pump?

by Big Geck July 16, 2023