running down a hall in a hotel while knocking on every door and farting as you pass
guy 1: go! get in the elevator!
guy 2: ok! ok!
guy 1: phew... well I'd call that a successful Pass and Gas
A suddenly swift and severe cramping pain in your testicles that wraps around your penis and radiates toward your anal crack.
Son: AAHH! Mom! My penis really hurts! It's like a cramp and I can feel it in my butt!
Mom: Calm down, just caught a case of the ole' "Testicular Gas". It'll pass.
Tha Gas Way started & branded in Houston,Tx.
By upcoming rising artist “Murda Wood”.
It Ain’t No Other Way but “ Tha Gas Way”.
Tha Gas Way Tha Fast Way Doing Any & Everything So Effortlessly Faithfully. Started & Branded In Houston,Tx. By An Upcoming Rising Artist By The Name Of “Murda Wood”.
It ain’t no other way but THA GAS WAY.
your head is way too big meaning you think everything is abouit you and no one else.
if a girl says "what are you talking about i didnt do that"
and the guy says " lol i thought you were different but your head is to gas like your the shit or something"
then that girl would say "fuck you i dont think i am all that"
Person 1:Damm dude, I'm feeling horny
Person 2:You need some horni gas or something?
No one actually lives here. Its a ghost town every part of the day/night. The most boring town in the state
Acworth, GA 🔜 Crapworth, GA