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Kentucky Plug

When you use one hand to choke a girl out who's in downward dog position, and the other hand to put your thumb in the stink and two (or more) in the pink

"Scottys date said she was too dry so he gave her the ole' Kentucky Plug

by SomeRandomYoutuber May 21, 2021

Kentucky Plug

Any sex act involving the thumb on your right hand

He Kentucky Plugged me last night

-Papa Kalash

by dumfaq May 20, 2021

Kentucky Plug

Derivative of Kentucky Ballistics Big Boi Thumb in your Wife Vagina

Will you Allow The Kentucky Plug To fill your wife's vagina ?

by Chessus May 20, 2021

Kentucky plug

A sex position where you stick you're thumb in the other persons neck

Gurl you're gonna get the kentucky plug tonight

by Brandon Herrera fan May 21, 2021

Kentucky plug

Sex position in which one"s thumb is pushed as deep as possible into a hole

Guy: I'll give you the Kentucky plug tonight.
Girl: what is that?
Guy: I'm going to use my thumb in the same way Kentucky ballistics used his.

by Bruh_Cake May 20, 2021

Kentucky plug

The act of jamming your thumb in any orifice, natural or trauma related.

“If all goes well tonight, I might just grease up your backside and give you the ‘ol Kentucky Plug.”

by Audiblemobile May 21, 2021

Kentucky Plug

A sex position created by some youtuber that almost got slapped to death. One slap, one finger, and lots of bodily fluids... Use it when there is no other option, just stick the thumb right in (you know where) and it may just save a life... or make one.

I gave her the good old kentucky pluggin' until she stopped leakin'.

by SirLoons May 20, 2021