Thomas Jon Kugler, commonly referred to as "Big-Bad-Blitz," is a towering Caucasian individual with a passion for both weightlifting and the popular video game, Terraria. He is known for his imposing stature, dedication to fitness, and unwavering commitment to building virtual worlds within Terraria's pixelated landscapes. Thomas Jon Kugler's presence in both the real and virtual realms makes him a distinctive character among gaming and fitness enthusiasts.
"His physique and gaming skills are truly Thomas Jon Kugler-esque, making him stand out in both the gym and the virtual worlds of Terraria."
Undefinable it's April Thomas the words are not in the human vocabulary to describe her beauty!
That girl is just.... Wow... April Thomas
A man who is both equally directly feminine and masculine, like a Tom boy.... but a Thomas girl.
He’s such a Thomas-girl! Dude likes wearing scarves, playing in dirt, and monster trucks.
Thomas Thrane is the most savage gangsta in Hørsholm. Born on the streets, Thrane has inspired fear in the town of Hørsholm, Denmark for decades.
Oh my god, watch out, "Thomas Thrane" is coming for you!
thomas snowballing is a past time sport taken place usually inside with a group of people.
Basically the best player , he is also known as Lemardona. Legend says he thought messi how to dribble.
“When i was little , i used to skip school to watch Lemar play” - Pele 1928
“Thomas Lemar has won ucl for atleti”
The hottest girl u will ever see. she is the biggest qt and the best girlfriend you could wish for. she is everything you need.if u see one; ur one lucky guy/
if ur a Chloe Morgan Thomas
then ur great