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The Most Amazing Show on Earth

a sex move involving a man and a paraplegic woman who has her legs amputated at the hip. The man lies flat on the ground while the woman mounts him, while pulling herself up and down with a chin up bar mounted to a ceiling fan. The ceiling fan is turned on, and she continues to do chin ups whilst spinning around on his dick. Optional: there are people dancing around the couple

Mark stopped by the wheelchair store and picked up a chick for The Most Amazing Show on Earth.

by President Polk May 10, 2008

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dog and pony show

when you get to a bar or club, and there is a line of yuppies down the block, and big black bouncers that won't let anyone in, and you have to piss so badly your bladder is going to rupture.

This is a real dog and pony show if i've ever seen one.

by Johhny Cockrane May 23, 2004

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Whats poppin show stoppin

An elaboration on the popular "whats poppin." Generally directed toward someone of at least mild physical attraction. Mainly added so Nick could go โ€œSee I DID come up with that shit!โ€

Whats poppin show stoppin!

by Prof. Nick J. June 1, 2011

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Show Me Your Weiner!

When someone says they are going to do something or did something but you don't believe them.

Can also be used as a greeting.

Girl: Did you eat cupcakes?
Guy: No.
Girl, I don't belive you, Show Me Your Weiner!

Friend A: OMG HI!
Friend B: Hi! Show Me Your Weiner!

by Unicorn<3r October 26, 2011

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show me some play

Sexually intent that consists of either oral, (handies) or just sex.

"Jill show me some play, bae?"

by _wumbolegend April 12, 2014

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Show-er vs Grower

In reference to a man's flacid penis. When you are a show-er, your penis is the same length as when you are erect. When you are a "grower", you have the same characteristics of a frightened turtle, who's head hides in it's shell. When you are erect, you penis grows in length. The exception to this rule is Chinese, who are neither "show'ers" or "growers".

And the kryptonite to both types is water, because it doesn't matte if you "show" or "grow", at that point you shrink.

When Aaron was in the locker room, he could not figure out why everyone had such a bigger penis than him. It was only until Kelly told him the difference of what a "Show-er" vs "Grower" was. "Show-er vs Grower"

by Tom.Collins.NYC January 9, 2014

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japanese show smiley

similar to the phrase "cheseburger" someone who is feeling "japanese show smiley" is simply put: someone who experiences supreme happiness for whatever reason. they could be so happy because they got a job, they found out that their girlfriend ain't pregnant, or because they just got laid. the reason for becoming "japanese show smiley" varies from person to person.

jane: i got bad news for you jake, i'm not pregnant...

jake: wtf you talkin' about girl, i'm fucking happy as i ever been!!!

jane: god jake...why you gotta be so "japanese show smiley". i thought you wanted to have a baby with me.

jake: naaa girl, just said that to get some of your yum-yum-yummy...

by nico illmatic October 15, 2007

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