A man who asserts that he is unlike ("not all men" movement) most other men, in order to gain attention, approval and considered innocent of the actions of other people (men in this scenario).
Same definition of "pick me girl".
"not all men! *proceeds to generalize about all women*"
"I'm not like this, not all men are like this."
Sentences of a "pick me boy".
A male who pays attention to female dominated interests such as pretty boy kpop bands, girl crush concepts, and alpha female rappers such as Jessi or Hyolyn. He does it to seek approval, similarly to pick-me girls who pretend to like cars, sports, and dark humor to appear more desirable.
After I posted a link to my playlist, the masses of pick-me boys wouldn't hesitate to slide in.
When your name is zach and it just so happens that you have a friend named sam or Jack
A boy who is annoying and seeks attention they act like they hate themselves for attention and are the worst person on earth. Most of them have curly hair. The mostly seek attention from the gender they like.
Pick me boy: omg im so ugly and annoying you probably don’t even want to talk to me.
Person: no you’re not stop acting like that.
Pick me boy: I should just disappear, nobody would care anyways.
Person: can you please shut up?
New Canadian terminology that is said when a pitcher has 2 strikes on the batter. Teammates in the dugout are obligated to tell the pitcher to throw him a lazy boy. As the pitch is being delivered, the teammates say “andddddd recline” as the ball crosses the plate for strike 3. As Orthner and Coach Frank have given examples of how it is done, it is supposed to be said in a relaxing tone.
“Throw him a lazy boy!” said Orthner to the pitcher.
“Orthner what the hell does that mean?” Says a fellow teammate.
“Just watch….andddd recline”
Lazy boy/recline : a Canadian saying when the pitcher has 2 strikes on a batter
The CCG bois are a bunch of mischievous dummy dummies that goof off cause they’re a bunch of silly goofballs. They’re also a bunch of wiggidy wack nuckle heads.
Mom: How was school today, son?
Son: Good. CCG Bois were being a bunch of slobby nut heads tho