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Mac OS X

The most versatile, elegant, and powerful offering currently on the market. Mac OS X possesses a solid UNIX core for server work and tweaking, and yet also has a beautifully thought out and designed interface called Aqua. The current version as of this posting is 10.3, and 10.4 will be coming out soon. 10.4 will feature metadata searching and Coreimage GPU-based real-time image processing

"Wow, Mac OS X r0x0rs"

by placebo February 1, 2005

795๐Ÿ‘ 782๐Ÿ‘Ž

X-Box 360

The next generation of video games is here. The X-Box 360 is Microsoft's newest contribution to the world of video games. This thing looks to be even a hell of a lot better than the already amazing X-Box. Set to release sometime in 2006.

Sometime in the near future:
Bill: Hey, wanna play my old X-Box?
Tom: Fuck no, lets go play my new X-Box 360. It kicks ass!

by almty1_917@yahoo.com May 14, 2005

143๐Ÿ‘ 127๐Ÿ‘Ž

Final Fantasy X

the best FF game in the whole series, kicks FF7's ass, better battle system and better everything else.

whoever thinks ff7 is better than they are a complete retard, ff7 sucks

by friend of bob is a faggot September 1, 2004

150๐Ÿ‘ 135๐Ÿ‘Ž

Xbox series X

Despite its predecessor having lower sales than the PlayStation 4, it will have higher sale than the PlayStation 5 because the PlayStation 5 looks ugly af.

Are you getting the PlayStation 5 or the Xbox series x?
I'm getting the xbox because the PlayStation 5 is ugly af.

by Http://www.dictionary.com/word April 9, 2020

45๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

G and X pictures

G and X rated pictures. In other words, a picture of your face and a picture of your genitals.

My girlfriend wants to get fucked by a group. Please send G and X pictures!

by Cloudskipper September 22, 2007

62๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž

F-Zero X

Hardest N64 game to this day.

F-Zero X is so of the hardest video games ever made, a lot of people skipped the Master Class.

by OmegaVideoGameGod November 2, 2017

10๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

American History X

A movie dedicated to the principle that racist curb-stomping is badong.

Sarah Palin (secretly taped by FBI): John, did you know there's a black man running against you for President? What are we going to do about that?

John McCain (secretly taped by FBI): Well, we could send some of our goons to curb-stomp him...

FBI Agent: Gov. Palin, Sen. McCain, you were caught on tape conspiring to curb-stomp Barack Obama!

John McCain: It's too bad the tape ended just at that moment. I was about to say, "...but that would be badong!"

Sarah Palin: It would?

John McCain: Shh! Uh, yes, officer... I realized that when I watched American History X! You think I want to get sent to prison and anally gang raped again like I was in Viet N-- I mean, anally gang-raped for my first time ever?

by Lady Bracknell July 19, 2009

122๐Ÿ‘ 108๐Ÿ‘Ž