A retirement home for ninjas.
Its time for that Ninja to retire to the ninjonic home.
Love has a strange way of finding out
Everything in your heart
Strangest of all is you never know
Just what it is that's tearing you apart
Seasons may pass, summers come and go
Dreams flashing through your mind
Love is something that you dream about
Something that you left behind
Better run home girl as fast as you can
Come home girl while you still can
Run home girl as fast as you can
Because someone's gonna be waiting
When you get home
Time has a strange way of reaching out
The years turn to yesterday
Reach out a hand, try to grab the past
Stop it all slipping away
Happens to you almost anywhere
A flash before the storm
Just reach out a hand, try to touch her face
Only to find she is gone
Just like I told you again
Better run home girl as fast as you can
Come home girl while you still can
Run home girl as fast as you can
Because someone's gonna be waiting
When you get home
Never known love burn so bright
Little girl could have been so right
We could have been so happy
I won't be there
Better run home girl as fast as you can
Come home girl while you still can
Run home girl as fast as you can
Because someone's gonna be waiting
When you get home
Love has a strange way of turning round
When happiness turns to pain
Something that you thought you had has gone
And somehow things will never be the same
That hurt gets so bad as the days go by
A hurt that no drug can cure
There's only one thing that can satisfy
There's only one thing I'm longing for
Better run home girl as fast as you can
Come home girl while you still can
Run home girl as fast as you can
Because someone's gonna be waiting
When you get home
Better run home girl as fast as you can
Come home girl while you still can
Run home girl as fast as you can
Because someone's gonna be waiting
When you get home
1đź‘Ť 2đź‘Ž
This means an ugly, dried up , minging , fat and disgusting little bitch.
Also known as a land whale, pile of shit and a pedo.
They’re commonly known for getting girls to strip during class(and screaming when they don’t), yelling at you for another students mistake and for crying if another teacher gets involved.
“Ew what’s that nasty smell”
“oh that’s just the Home Ec Teacher”
“What’s that pile of shit doing in the corner”
“That’s actually just the Home Ec teacher”
“Who do we feel bad for? The Home Ec teachers son.”
three words that will make any tokyo ghoul fan cry
"come on... let's go home."
White, upper or upper-middle class female. Has strong opinions on, well pretty much everything. Opinions, while strong, are based more on privilege than fact. Will have vacant, crazy eyed stare. May also consider themselves a "Dog-Mom". Likely to post opinions on social media for attention, supported with little basis in reality. Stay at Home Mommy will often respond to debate with "as-if, or what-ev, as she is likely too damn stupid to engage in intelligent debate. An adult referring to themselves as a "Mommy" will have nothing of any substance to contribute to conversation as they are clearly disconnected from reality, have no fear and are potentially a total dip shit, cancer to society and a true step backward in the advancement of society in general. Avoid at all costs.
I'm a Stay at Home Mommy, and you now know all you need to know about the validity of anything I'm about to say next.
A dirty college campus fraternity that actives consider clean
Babe we arent going to a frat house. Its a frat home
squid mommy 🌹 @ NEW HOME OWNER! needs to tweet more shorb photos