1 to copy, “borrow”, or outright steal ideas and products.
2 to copy and paste, as in; ctrl + c then ctrl + v
3 a simple matter of stealing another’s ideas and intellectual property without due credit or compensation.
“Dude, I Bill Gatesed the hell out of my report in history class.”
“If you can’t get by on your own merits, you can always Bill Gates someone else’s accomplishments.”
Bill · Gates |bil gāts|
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bill gallagher disease.
a severe handicap, usually occuring at birth where the child is born severly retarded. people with bgd also cannot breathe through their nasal passages, suffer from inflated self esteem, extreme paranoia and usually have lazy eyes.
people with bgd can be somewhat contagious, if exposed to for long durations.
please consult your physician if you fear you have bgd and abstain from all forms of alcohol, comic books, magic cards and bad pop punk.
people suffering from bgd will utter such nonsensical things as:
"Remember that time you called me Chirs Gristle? well BURN FOR IT!"
"anyway....the old band is back...were not third world riot not going to type the new name because you know how the press is.They'll never leave us alone.Paparazzi.
New drummer is a really awesome guy..just wants to play.ANd he can proabably kick all of our asses....with little effort.Mike least thats what his hat says"
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Sleepy or awake be prepared to get cosbied this is on April 10th
Dang it’s national bill Cosby day who wants to go nap nap
a sicnce guy
hay it`s bill nye the sicnce guy
A rare variant of an Oystercatcher bird, native to Teignmouth in Devon, UK. Can be distinguished by darker chest feathers than other variants. Numbers are now limited to 8 breeding pairs since a large flock landed on the Teignmouth Rugby Club pitch on a Thursday afternoon and were eaten by the Aldworth brothers before training.
That there’s an Orange Billed Quack Quack. Not many of they left now.
cydnay is bill nye
cydnay why u lookin like bill nye the cydnay guy
A Bill Cosby Sunday Swear is where a girl gets completely naked and rubs pudding on her body in lewd fashions.
Dude maddie sent me a Bill Cosby's Sunday Sweater last night it was so hot
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