Another word for fuzzy is hair
And Another word for a cat is a pussy
Therefore it is a hairy puzzy
guy1: Dude did you finger Sara last night?
guy2: No way she had Fuzzy Cat!
guy1: Ewwwww!
Cat denial
Cat - feline
Denial - a state of hiding from the truth
= Cat denial
This is a serious condition that occurs in the following situation:
When you share other people's images of cats on a Saturday but you deny that you participate in the Internet meme day known as Caturday, just because you didn't upload it yourself.
Despite Denis sharing Amanda's YouTube cat video, he was clearly in cat denial that he was now an active part of the Caturday phenomena.
An incest freak who has intercourse with her sisters. It is sure to make you cry because of how ugly it is. You’ll never want to see it again. It smells rancid like cat pee and lives in the woods. It listens to cbat by Hudson mowhaeke four times a day
“Have you walked past Calie cats today? It smells so gross”
TNR stands for trap neuter return this only works on feral cats feral stands for wild, a trap can be a drop trap ore a normal trap then comes Neuter its another word for not having baby’s anymore but for cats is not having kittens. TheN. Comes return return is When you put them back in the wild so where you got them before.
TNR cats is just to stop having more cats come in the world because they will end up being killed sadly
A infamous cat page on Instagram with over 100k followers posting cursed/shitpost cat images along with a sometimes hilarious caption.
Has been featured as an intro to a PewDiePie video
Instagram: @sinful.cats
Did you see the new edit Sinful Cats made?
Yea it was hilarious!
A type of landing for a jump that goes horribly wrong.
Kimmo fell from the chair and landed as a reverse cat with his feet up in the air.