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cana-duh dry

A joke made by youtuber Liza Koshy using the soda brand Canada Dry implying the slang word "duh" into "da", a part of the word Canada Dry.

Liza Koshy: "...and i said, cana-duh dry!"

by ixadecent September 1, 2020

dry alcoholic

An alcoholic that no longer drinks

A dry alcoholic is a person who has overcome being and alcoholic and so therefore, no longer drinks

by Destination-UnKnown April 8, 2018

dry ballin

dri-BALL'n: latin origin (v.) when a man steams his wrinkly genitals with a hand held steamer while masturbating

"Did you see Rick with his steamer in the locker room yesterday?"

"Yeah, he was dry ballin in front of the entire team!"

by Eileenzamora August 23, 2017

Dry ballin

When you see a level 9 hottie, and you think you might cream in your pants but don't.

Hey, Jon look over there...that chick has got me dry ballin!

by Jade Canyon June 11, 2019

Dry Lemon

When a man ejaculates so much during a single day that it becomes either painful or impossible to ejaculate again.

Craig: Bro! did you pull out when you banged her?

John:No I couldn't cum! She was the fourth one that day! I was such a dry lemon!

by FWEBJW July 1, 2013

Dry Socket Hot Pocket

Elderly Woman's Nether Regions.

Man, I can't believe I smashed Ethel's Dry Socket Hot Pocket when I got lit last night.

by Kozaka January 4, 2024

dry socket hot pocket

An older woman’s vagina.

You need some lube with Myrtle. That old bag has a dry socket hot pocket.

by Terry Y January 13, 2024