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chatting ninja

One who keeps their status 'invisible' on instant messenger in order to 'screen' messages and/or avoid certain individuals.

Hey, Amy! Ping me when you're available to discuss the project, as I am chatting ninja today to avoid being distracted by other co-workers who are time wasters.

by L-2-the-Stew October 8, 2010

Fiesta Ninja

The act of sneaking food so that no one notices you.

Jason: At Michaels party I was a fiesta ninja because i was on a diet and i wanted no one to notice me take all those burritos.

Example 2: At night when my parents are sleeping i have to be a fiesta ninja or they catch me taking the twinkies!

by dorkwithpork March 5, 2014

Ninja Strike

1. The act of screwing over a friend by throwing your genatalia in the air while he is talking to a girl.

2. The only way lonely men can get women to look at them.

3. When a group of ninjas karate chop your ass in half with chopsticks, a bag of rocks, and a dull ice cream scoop.


2. That must of been a lonely bastard if he ninja stricked around Becca.

3. Detective: How'd he die?

Cop: He got ninja stricked...

Detective: Holy Shit..

by Francisco Perez IV July 24, 2011

Suck Ninja

Something (person, unfortunate event) that comes out of nowhere and sucks the fun out of what you are doing.

Dude, the cover for the show is $7, I only have $5. Suck ninja!

by ibehim1 February 12, 2012

shadow ninja

He is stealthy, magic, majestic

that horse is like shadow ninja

by kayden omniverse January 13, 2018

Tinder Ninja

A person of male gander who makes a somewhat fake rinse profile to meet women to just sleep with them only performing the Ninja sexual and then disappearing from their lives forever into the shadows.

All of a sudden, all of the local girls have become pregnant. Officers suspect an ultimate tinder ninja.

by wnigwigga March 23, 2016

Minge ninja

In and out before you know it

Aww girl I met a dude he talked the game but he’s in and out before youn know it proper minge ninja did Hess

by Tortoise84 January 20, 2021