A useless piece of cardboard that people pay $10,000+ for.
Pokémon cards are cards with foil in them.
I paid ten thousand dollars for this piece of cardboard called a Pokémon card.
the best fucking thing since animals
im better at pulling good pokemon cards
A lovely volumptuous beast of a man, usually found in stockrooms grooming workers, lives with his mother at the age of 30, also is a complete virgin.
U know that Cards guy, he is a complete fat virgin
Guy: I'm gonna be with a girl and lose my card tonight!
Guy 2: Wow, good for you!
Usually made with thin cardboard. It can be designed any way you want.
Hey Mike, Can I borrow your playing Cards?
something you play when your board and you dont have internet
Person A: Im bored
Person B: There is no interent
Person A: Lets play cards
Your parents making your bedroom the family garage.
Look at that cards, his parents must hate him