Source Code

word thug

Word Thug: Social Justice Warriors and Racists that hijack the meaning of a word and become word police. They bully people into accepting the new definition by calling them racist for using a word that they've robbed of its true meaning.

"You called him a thug, that's racist"

No, I called him a thug, it has nothing to do with his skin color, you word thug.

by Trish la Dish May 6, 2015

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girly words

words like cray, creep, rad, basically any word that sounds like the average white girl would say it

my gf says a lot of girly words

by TokenIranian August 2, 2015

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The FNC Word

The dirtiest word in the English language, according the Michael Ian Black and Michael Showalter - Fucking Nigger Cunt; can also be extended with the use of mother, nazi, and unicorn to be Mother Fucking Nigger Cunt Nazi Unicorn.

Michael Sho: The FNC Word. It's pronounced, Fucking Nigger Cunt
Michael Black: Used in a sentence, you're a Fucking Nigger Cunt

by lisa.gallagher2 February 25, 2010

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Define A Word

What the button on the home page says

Urban dictionary is made by you! Define a Word

by ihonestlyhavenoidea March 29, 2021

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Word of the day

Chosen by the "moderators" of the site, this is used to promote a word or phrase. Made by the users of the site (supposedly, they could be creating alts). These definitions are often extremely biased and skewed in their own ways or generalize/stereotype an entire group. Due to their controversy, a high number of both dislikes and likes are given to the definitions, some based on trolling, others based on (sometimes objective) choices. Often moderators choose inaccurate or political ideas, for no known reason aside from promoting some agenda. Either that, or it's supposed to be the most popular word around, even though I doubt this.

Moderators: Here's the Word of the day!
The definition: LMAO these people are shit! Fuck them!
Viewers: *groan* not again

by Defintionist January 6, 2021

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word belt

A title belt for Urban Dictionary competitors. Symbolizes achievement/victories for word plays. Awarded to members who hold the highest number of words contributed.

My new word has been approved, I just added another notch to the word belt!

Jose takes back the word bet title from Miguel, after proving Miguel cheated by not using any vowels in his newly created words.

by Jack Chau February 20, 2011

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word of the gay

When the urban dictionary word of the day is boring and is on the front page for 4 weeks

Honestly, today's word of the day is more like today's word of the gay.

by BigSmoke40 November 23, 2020

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