The act of shotgunning a red bull vodka. Pop a hole in the bottom of a red bull, add a shot of vodka, consume it as fast as humans know how.
Brad: I want an RBV but theyre too mainstream.
Me: Bro, pipe bomb it.
Poo piping
Poo piping is the art of using icing bag nozzles wedged in ya butt hole to create pattens, and do fancy writing using ya poo
It’s a place where poofy things escape occasionally out the hole of your poop shoot. Poop shoots only happen if you don’t wax your eyebrows. This way you don’t get dingleberrys.
Gary Gary the Yamaha Fairy is a Hairy Poo Pipe From a hairy poo hole which only squirts accordingly. (Squirtingly) That squirtster!
The female genentalia, particularly one endowed with excessive pubic hair.
Jefferson rammed his one-eyed rocket in Cindy's mutton pipe.
When the exhaust pipes of big truck penetrates a nigger asshole
Yo that bitch has truck dick pipes
So hot
Extremely mad, steaming mad. Explosive anger when one turns red in the face, blood pressure gets high & curses loudly.
He was piping-mad about being told to leave the family reunion in front of his children.
A variant of the gas pipe maneuver where instead of farting, the person shoots out diarrhea. Named for the town of Flint, Michigan, where the water is notoriously dirty.
Oliver got a flint michigan water pipe from his girlfriend last night.