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Bong Induced Stupidity

When you smoke so much pot you kill so many brain cells untill you have the IQ of a dead goat.

Your Bong Induced Stupidity is the bloody problem!

by PieMast3r April 1, 2010

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stupid cunt


sam is a stupid cunt

by el samo April 16, 2019

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Stupid ass bitch


You are a stupid ass bitch

by sexykillerclown April 5, 2020

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The mental state a person trips on when falling in love.

The mental and physical stages of new love.

He is usually so in control, what would make him act like such a puss? He is gettin dip-shit-stupid!

by shirre February 10, 2005

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stupid fucking people

people who make stupid fucking words up for this site

Stupid Fucking People are taking over Urban Dictionary.. and the world...

by JaQu April 25, 2008

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out of town stupid

(adj)- in sports; it is a person (general manager, owner, etc) who believes a player from a different city is a quality player, when in actuality it is the national media hyping the play of said player.

Hopefully Matt Forte will gain enough national credit to attract "out of town stupid" gm's to trade a good player for him.

by Bitchtits Mcgee November 16, 2009

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incredibly stupid shit

a phrase coined by the satirical news site The Onion used to describe the inane, annoying and repulsive products of modern consumer culture, such as Mind of Mencia,Perez Hilton, and The Jonas Brothers. Incredibly stupid shit can be found anywhere, but is especially abundant in reality TV shows, celebrity-oriented websites, and the self-help section of bookstores.

Fool: "I just saw Oprah talking about something called The Secret where all you have to do to make things happen is wish them into existence!"

Non-fool: "Why do you waste your time with that incredibly stupid shit?"

by S. Dure September 2, 2008

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