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Ninjas, pirates and cowboys

Ninjas- pretty much teh coolest in teh world, with their fighting skills and uber fast skills and uber hot babe saving skills.

Pirates- hoo cant love some1 hoo wears an eyepatch, an awsome hat, owns teh coolest parot, may be mising a leg or hand whcih can be replaeced by a hook or peg of course, i mean ther pretty much the best team up with ninjas.

cowboys - gey.

Ninjas, pirates and cowboys:
Ninjas and pirates agree cowboys suck.

by Foxtrot~Uniform~Charlie~Kilo August 4, 2006

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Angry Pirate Dragon

The Angry Pirate Dragon is A cross Between the Angry Pirate and Angry Dragon.

When a male is recieving oral sex from his partner and is about to cum he forces her mouth as far down on his cock as possible thus making his sperm exit through her nose halfway through his ejaculation he pulls out and puts it in her eye and as she stands he kicks her in the shin. As she gets up her face looks like an angry dragon as she hops on one leg saying "ARRR".

" Mitchel decided at the last minute to turn the angry dragon into the angry pirate dragon. His Girlfriend was pissed"

by Jazzybabe March 26, 2008

100๐Ÿ‘ 78๐Ÿ‘Ž

pirates of the spanish main

A pointless high school sorority located in the southeastern region of the state of georgia. It is basically a group of catty, slutty, dumb high school girls who do nothing but party, get drunk, sleep around, get pregnant, and talk shit about other members behind their back due to being insecure about their own issues. They claim to be all "goody two shoes" and to help out the community. But this is all bullshit. Rush week for the pirates involves a series of stupid themed days in which the girls stuff their fat thighs into Winnie the Pooh halloween costumes that no longer fit from 4th grade (and yes they look like fucking retards). Of course they never include outsiders. Its always the doctor's children, the wealthy sea islanders, and the stuck up southern dance addicts who always make the cut. If you are an outsider from the north you might as well forget it. No way are you getting in. But then again, why would you want to be apart of this criticizing and self esteem bashing group of hoes anyway?

Anna- "Hey Jessica, wanna rush for pirates of the spanish main."

Jessica- "I'd rather gouge my eyes out"

by tonkatonk12 May 25, 2011

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Dirty Pirate Hooker

1.) a fun and nice way of calling someone an extremely dirty whore.
2.) a term used among good friends to explain and emphasize how big of dirty whores they think their friends are.
3.)a dirty slut who sleeps with pirates for money.

'Dirty' as in sleeps with everyone 'Pirate' as in sleeps with pirates 'Hooker' as in so good you should have to pay.

"you are a Dirty Pirate Hooker"
"yer a Dirty Pirate Hooker"
"yous uh Dirty Pirate Hooker"

Guy: "I'll give you ten bucks"
Girl: (Gasp)"what do you think I am, a Dirty Pirate Hooker?"
Guy: "yea, your dirty , your a prostitute, and your personal ad says 'call to get some booty' "

Guy 1: (asks a question)
Guy 2: (answers with smart ass remark)
Guy 1: "You are a Dirty Pirate Hooker"
Guy 2: (smiles)"Yes I am"

by BigFeet4Life November 25, 2007

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Pirate Hooker

Originally, an ex-navy girl picked up at a local bar. Present day the term means a girl that is a slut.

My roommate and I picked up two pirate hookers at Lynch's.

by Phillip Kelley January 5, 2006

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Pirate Red Mage

Like a Red Mage, only with some Pirate added in for good measure. Is primarily a Pirate before a Red Mage. Uses Airships as main form of transportation.

Greg might have come acroper of that sea serpent, if he hadn't been packing LIT3, being a Pirate Red Mage and all.

by Maxx Power January 13, 2007

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killer poo pirate

a living being with a very sharp penis who engages in anal intercourse with women and often causes fatal tearing of the mucas membrane.

that horse was a total killer poo pirate

by Andrew Mac-daddy May 7, 2009

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