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United States of America

The one place in the world who can send back immigrants in relief aid situations.

The one place that can contribute relief aid to devastated countries by sending back their immigrants

Hey man, did you hear about that earthquake in Mexico last Thursday?

Nope, don't think I did.

It was a bad one, killed roughly 500,000 people.

Goodness Gracious!!

Yes, yes very devastating. The good thing is that Great Britain sent $2,000,000 in relief funds, spain sent $500,000, and the United States of America sent replacement Mexicans.

I am proud to be an Americano!

by NAD216 August 30, 2011

3πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

United Township High School

United Township High School other wise known as UT cant spell slUT without UT in it. A school with the white kids who wanna be black so bad that they gang bang and try to act black. then you got the actual gang bangers watch out for them. Fights happened at least once a month (mostly in the bathrooms) it’s fun to watch just don’t get caught recording or you’ll get suspended. bitches love to skip here and it’s very easy. bitches are also WAY to friendly they switch up faster than you can even say the schools name. If you want your school days to be interesting then come to UT it’s very exiting.

Did you hear another fight happened at United Township High School

by weird people go here November 9, 2021

Fetus Fuckers United (FFU)

Fetus Fuckers United (FFU) is a recent organization, which consists of fucking and eating fetuses on a daily bases. There are many different levels of hierarchy, but the goal is the same to all members of the FFU; To eat and fuck as many fetuses as a lifetime can offer.

The Society is made up of many weomen and less men, so the fetus supply is plentiful. Iniatition includes; Make an art peice out of the fetuses' torn and twisted and deformed body parts. Also you must sacrifice your first unborn.

Guy A: "Hey has anyone seen Jim?"

Girl A: "I think he went on vacation."

Guy B: "Yeah, he said sumthin' about a new organization that he was going to try to help."

Girl B: "What Organization?"

Guy B: "I think it's the the FFU."

Guy A: "What the fuck is FFU? Is it some sort of final fantasy club?"

Guy B: "No silly, it's Fetus Fuckers United (FFU)"

Guy B: "Actually, to come clean, i've been a member for six years."

Girl A: "Your fucking nuts, in fact, your all fucking nuts, im leaving."

Girl B: "Why are you still reading this, you have no life. JOIN TODAY!!!!!!!!"

by STD_MAN1919 June 16, 2009

23πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

The United States Marine Corp

Elite of all the armed services in the United states

The United States Marine Corp is acctually worth something, unlike the air-force

by Anonymous August 5, 2003

85πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

Jew Unit

A kickass Jewish rock band from the suburbs of New York City. They kick ass but the local high school refuses to let them play at their shows unless they change their name. They choose a new name each time.

Yo man did you see The Beeftastic Beefcakes?
Hot Daddy and the Monkey Puppets?
Who's that?
Mel Gibson?
Morgan Freeman?
What the fuck you talkin bout you dirty ape?!
Bradley Silverman and the Jew Unit?
Oh yeah they rock out with their cock out. I wish they would all gangbang me right now.

by JewMaster731 November 21, 2008

3πŸ‘ 107πŸ‘Ž

45th President of the United States

some spoiled brat who bombed syria, started a trade war with china, is building a useless wall, and is a greedy rich white capitalist

im not a hillary supporter but 45th President of the United States is a fucking piece of shit

by some hackerman July 11, 2018

358πŸ‘ 238πŸ‘Ž

United States Navel Academy

The small school of about 450-475 students directly across the street from the United States Naval Academy. Also known as St. John's College. Student body is composed of the most brilliant individuals in the world. They must first learn Greek before they can study geometry as they read directly from Euclid. Known as Johnnies, they are rarely seen outside their cloistered campus in Annapolis as they spend most of theirextracurricular time contemplating their belly-buttons. Though not generally known for their physical prowess, Johnnies eschew all intercollegiate sports except croquet. Annually they either cross the street to the Naval Academy or permit the Midshipmen to enter their isolated campus; and then routinely crush them in a humiliating spectre that few can watch on a full stomach. It is on this one day yearly, that they release their pent-up primal energy in a blood-orgy of croquet domination. Then they return to their world, close their gates, never to be heard or seen again until the next year.

For those who desire a classical liberal arts course of study, but who do not desire to serve in the military, I suggest the United States Navel Academy at Annapolis, MD.

by Marine Cannoneer December 23, 2011

26πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž