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West Bromwich Albion

shit team from yam yam land

2 Villa vs Baggies 1


by Holte_End_Army November 3, 2004

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West Texas Walrus

The West Texas Walrus is a classic, this technique is performed when a girl is getting nailed from behind and is about to reach her climax, the male will then bend down and stick to strands of hay up her nose and listen to her bellow like a walrus for the duration of the orgasm.

I gave my girlfriend the West Texas Walrus last night.

by The raging red monster February 27, 2008

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West Indian Burn

This occurs when attempting to perform an East Indian Burn on your girlfriend's leg. The difference is that it is done after consuming too much Jerk Chicken and Red Stripe and results in sharting on your partner instead.
Usually results in an instant termination of the relationship.

" I think my girlfriend and I are done, dude. I tried to fart on her leg, and ended up giving her a West Indian Burn on her! Shouldn't have eaten at that Jamaican place last night."

by the Den of Iniquity December 6, 2006

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West Coast Effect

A strange phenomenon which occurs to a portion of people from the west coast, in which they develop a massive superiority complex, and a shitty attitude towards the rest of the country. This often results in them believing the entire Midwest is full of rednecks, small towns and farmland (despite the fact that the Midwest is the largest and most populous region in the US).

Angeleno (person from LA): Yo breh LA has tha best weather and Kansas is full of rednecks and farmland fuk Kansas City dued. And cali is sooo full of culture and we got oceans and mountains dued it's the center of the universe!!!! And liek 6 ppl live in the Midwest dued

Kansas Citian: Tell me more about how shitty and polluted your ocean and air is. And while you're at it, Google some pictures of the Midwest and acknowledge the fact that that the Midwest is home to the great lakes, which are basically seas, and have some great beaches, and that Colorado has mountains. And you'll be happy to know that it is home to cities like Chicago, Kansas City, Denver, St. Louis, Detroit, and Minneapolis (most of which beat the shit out of most Californians cities). And before I beat your ass, I might as well let you know that it's only cold and "shitty" for about 1/4 of the year, which is because of this great new thing called winter. That's W-I-N-T-E-R. We also have summer, spring, and fall. They're called seasons. That's S-E-A-S-O-N-S. But I wouldn't expect someone who only experiences ONE season to know that. After all, you live in a fucking desert. Looks like you have a bad case of the West Coast Effect.

by KingOfChicago November 17, 2014

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West-Point Abortion

A term from The Vietnam War, a West-Point Abortion is shooting a pregnant woman with a machine gun. West-Point being a military academy in the United States.

In The Watchmen the Comedian gives his Vietnamese mistress a West-Point Abortion.

by CottonTheClown January 22, 2010

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dallas west virginia

A tiny town in WV that is the dirty redneck ghetto of Marshall county. It's where all the hill trash that can't afford to live on Roberts Ridge or Fish Creek live. Now overrun with pipeliners and stupid gas workers. A place where society is just dirtier that that rest of the county, trashy women and drunk redneck guys. A place to highly avoid when In Marshall county.

"Hey I'm going to Dallas"

"Cool, Dallas Texas?"

"No Dallas West Virginia"

"Dude you are fucked..."

by Detmarshall January 1, 2014

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west york charva

A west york charva is the most elite cast in the whole of west york, segnoos is the worst. Being a west york gives you the power to bully the members of segnoos and gets your free drugs for life

Person A: what cast are your bro?
Person B: imma west york charva bro
Person A: WOW! Your so cool, your the best cast in west york!

by WestYorkCharvas101 May 29, 2021

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