Source Code

Way Lee Bob

Way lee bob is a phrase you would use if u were going to masturbate but dont want to tell your friends what your doing. or just want to keep it a secret

an example would be he guys i got to go home my mom told my that i had to way lee bob it

by Devin Cutter October 11, 2004

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all the way through

when you anal fuck a girl so hard cum comes out of her mouth

tucker did an all the way through

by SHRECK IS SEXY November 18, 2021

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Doggystyle β€˜The Ocky Way’

Eating a sandwich while performing doggystyle with another. Preferably a bacon egg and cheese.

β€œAyo, the other day I fucked that bitch doggystyle β€˜the ocky way’”

by Mamajane January 18, 2022

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Four Way Docking

This luscious move is preformed by an uncircumcised gay man sheathing his foreskin over the head of another gay man's penis, ("Docking") and then two other gay men appear majestically, one behind each of the "Docked" men and slide themselves into the asses of the docked men, thus finishing the "Four Way Docking" maneuver.

Jason and Greg were "docking" in the comfort of their own homosexual palace, when who should appear, but none other than the fabulously couple Kevin and Brett, who promptly shoved their junk up in Jason and Greg's gay asses to complete the amazing "Four Way Docking" maneuver.

by D.A.C.A November 17, 2010

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Chili Three Way

When a threesome has sex while covered in chili. Can be expanded to a chili four way or chili five way with 1 or 2 more partners. Add beans or cheese as needed.

Guy: hey want to do a chili three way with that hot chick over there
Guy: yeah i’ll go grab some skyline

by Derfouteur February 2, 2021

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Greasemonkey 3 way

- when a husband and wife (or couple) sucks up to, flirts with, or fawns over the local auto mechanic to encourage better customer service, favors or discounts

- any effort utilizing gifts, compliments, or flirting by 2 people to encourage an auto mechanic to provide preferential treatment to them and their cars

the phrase is often combined as a hashtag #greasemonkey3way

My '93 Ford Taurus needed a new transmission. Luckily my wife and I gave the mechanic a greasemonkey 3 way and he was willing to stay late and get it done before our trip to Chicago the next day. He rotated the tires for free, too!

by The Poobah October 24, 2013

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five way intersection

A dick in each hand, a dick in the mouth, a dick in the ass and a dick in the vagina, and everyone looks at each other wondering who goes first.

The guys and I were having a five way intersection last night and finally John decided he'd finish first.

by Jizzcummer June 9, 2018

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