used jokingly with friends as an insult on them. used for fun and to get a laugh. in context of the woman in question is an absolute beast in every aspect; body face, etc. etc.
"dude look at her, thats all your bro get you some*laughs* "
"*laughs* hell no she is totally a Brown Body Bag Special"
The exact counterpart to your perfect physical body of the person. Composed of fine ethereal matter and is usually encased in this physical body.
I want my astral body... I had a dadbod since I was 5 and I just had a kid.
Being dissatisfied with your biological body and want to change it example Plastic surgery
Gaining weight
Losing weight
I have body dysphoria I don’t like my body and want to change it
a person who is very interested and passionate about thick or slim bodies.
“She’s an body enthusiast on social media”
Mostly used by girls and women, "Making my body cry" is basically being so hot its making a girl wet.
Girl A sees a very attractive Person
A : Omg look who's there !
B : Woah they're so hot, they're making my body cry ;-;
The meaning of when two or more people partake in any type of sexual experiences
Body drama is Oral. 69-type sex. 3somes. Anal. Sex.
A cardinal sin and must be punished with extermination.
Hey do you like my Morgan Freeman body pillow Jeremy will now be burned at the stake