A drink not to be enjoyed. it is an inferior hot drink. All bow down to the overlord of all hot drinks, TEA
Guy 1: Oh my, are you drinking coffee?
Guy2: unfortunatly, yes.
Offer to purchase coffee for your friends and co-workers
Paul: "Coffee?"
Allan: "Yeah, can you get me get a medium coffee with one cream. Thanks!"
A slang term for hot black sex.
"Hey! wanna go out for some coffee?"
any kind of stimulants, usually cocaine. used to avoid catching attention in public you're geekin
"Just drank a double espresso, i feel fucking amazing."
"You wanna grab a coffee before work?"
Coffee is a dark liquid that most adults drink. There is many different variations of coffee. A lot of people over the age of 20 will most likely drink "dark" coffee; in other words, more coffee beans, and less milk. Like I mentioned earlier, coffee can be mixed with other substances, such as milk, sugar, and other like such. Coffee beans are where coffee comes from. Expresso beans and others can be found on trees. Many people LOVE to drink coffee with alcohol like vodka, which is extremely stupid.
My mom: "Boy do I like some a mine fresh coffee!"
Water brewed from coffe beans it is usually mixed with creamer and sugar to add more health benefits and enhance flavor.