One of the most commonly felt emotions.
Xeala: Damn, my enemy is still alive? What am I feeling right now?
Candy: Hate.
When you get in a fight and you hate that guy, when you tell her you live her and like her and she says idk maybe and u wait for a year and that's what u feel for her
It's not that I women or children.
Hym "What I said was if the women aren't fucking me your kids lives have no value. The inflated value of their lives exists in direct relationships to your baby momma's decision to fuck you instead of me. And now you're using that statement as a starting point to say that you don't have to care about what happens to me but IN REALITY YOU ALREADY DIDN'T CARE. Past tense. There is not a single incel that you care about. And you can't spend all the time you want doing mental gymnastics to try and STOP WHETHER OR NOT MEN CARE ABOUT YOU KIDS LIVES FROM BEING CONTINGENT ON WHETHER OR NOT THEY FUCK but what you then have is breeder dictatorship incel farm were you delude yourself into believing the people you teeat as cattle aren't just going to get tired of living, murder some kids, and eject. It isn't 'hate.' I don't 'hate' kids. I actually rather like kids. I saw a video the other day of a little Scottish girl going on about the increase in the price of ice cream from the ice-cream truck. It was hilarious! But that's besides the point. You are trying to retaliate against the FACT that I don't have to give a shit about your kids to get me to.... Do what exactly? Something other than child murder? Why would I do that?"
Really..... You going to invite that kid on so you can try to push the message that "It's easier to spread hate" you fat eggplant looking bitch? YOU'RE ACTIVELY TRYING TO STOP THE SPREAD OF HATE! HOW COULD THAT POSSIBLY BE EASIER THAN SPREADING THE ONLY THING YOU'RE ALLOWED TO SPREAD!? Hate doesn't need to be spread. It's not some virus that we need to lock the country down over. It just isn't hard to hate you. Your friends are wrong to like you. You are doo doo.
Hym "Really, how could I not hate you?"
🤦 ♂️ I hate you motherfuckers so Goddamn much....
Hym “Really. I fucking hate you. I want you to know that. And, I want you to know that even if I die tomorrow or hang myself tonight or whatever... Even that wouldn’t be the end of my hatred. At the inevitable heat-death of the universe... Where the entropy is so extreme that it would burn up thought itself.... my hatred will endure... that will be the one thing that remains of humanity at the end of time... No love. No hope. Just my hatred for all of you. Forever.”
a female who hates women but loves boys
someone who hates women is like “ugh she’s talking to my man’s she’s such a lydia O.L.K”