The flowponics theory is an opinion on how a flowponics system works.
When discussing flowponics the flowponics theory is used to describe how someone thinks the system operates. That is the basics of flowponics theory.
The Theory is,
In the next universe, the next fastest thing will be tilgh at the speed of 4,181,814,184.81015KM/S.
Light’s Theory, or Tilgh Theory, is the next universe’s biggest theory’s result at the speed of 4.1 billion.
The Reboot Van mentioned it
*post a image of a cat in a chest*
"cat chest theory mentioned"
When you ask another person to do a small task for you, like pealing an orange or asking them to tie your shoe for you. Both of these are tasks that you can do by yourself, the real test is how they respond to you. If they respond with “you can do it your self” then they are not willing to do small tasks for you and will most likely fail to do larger ones for you in the future. However if they do it immediately or do it willingly then they pass the test.
Orange peal theory example:
Girl: “hey baby can you help me tie my hair up?”
Boy “ no you can do it yourself”
Girl “hey baby can you help me tie my hair up?”
Boy “idk how to but I’ll try and help”
The round pastry theory is commonly found in the RC airplane community. The theory states that consuming any sort of round pastry prior to a flight test will gauruntee a shit show. ESC’s are prone to exploding when round pastry’s have been consumed.
The theory dates back to 2014
Friend: *Starts to eat a donut*
Other friend: “DUDE WHAT ARE YOU DOING? The Round Pastry theory says you eating that donut just garunteed our RC MIG will crash.”