Ranked in same class as 1 crazy bitch robin hols.
Katie Irene is a crazy bitch.
Robin hols is the 1 crazy bitch.
Katie Irene is a crazy bitch.
Robin hols is the 1 crazy bitch.
Together they are 2 crazy bitches.
A katie Clarke is a person that often gets jealous of their siblings. Especially the younger ones. If your having a katie moment you often don’t want to be seen in public places like weddings and family nights with the flawless said person
Jesus Christ. Emma just posted her Instagram picture and now I’m having a katie Clarke moment.
Thottttttt girl who thinks every guy likes her
Omg she slept with seven guys she’s such a katie wolowyk
A thotttt girl who thinks every guy likes her
Omg she slept with seven guys she’s such a katie wolowyk
Who that girl on the D-floor is pulling a Katie Mikkelsen. common white girl.
Katie Thomson is the kind of girl you either love or hate. Her heart is as big as her smile, and her smile shines. If you are lucky enough to get Katie’s attention, she will leave an unforgettable impression on your heart, memorable to say the least. She loves deeper than the ocean and enjoys getting higher than the moon. Her sense of humor tops that of any comedian who has ever existed. She embodies beauty. Katie Thomson is corky, caring, cute and cool.
Yo, Katie showed up with that good good. I can’t wait to smoke with her.
Katie! Tell us a joke!
Have you ever gotten a hug from Katie? It’s life changing.
Everyone wants to be friends with Katie Thomson.