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Gash Move

The female equivalent of a dick move. When a female violates the expected code of conduct against another female in a severe way.

I can't believe Becky moved in on Brad like that?! He just broke up with Jessica last night, that is a total gash move to her supposed best friend.

by EscalationWilliams February 17, 2015

Wilhelm Move

An attack from behind on an unsuspecting opponent, locked in combat with another opponent.

Wilhelm move!!! - Shouted by an assailant moments before the perfidious attack

by MegaHarald July 31, 2019

yong move

'A Yong Move' is a term used to describe an unthinkably idiotic decision or act by a person of Oriental heritage.
The term usually is used for a male, and may or may not link to racial stereotypes.

Example 1.

"Hey look at the car! How the hell did they manage to end up crashed there?"
"Definitely a Yong Move"
Example 2.
"That guy's crazy bro"
"Yep, Gonna be making a few Yong Moves tonight..."
Example 3.
"Mate, what are you wearing - that's a Yong Move right there"

by Champ Brudda January 12, 2017

Borgy Move

Going public with trivial issues related to current/former peers, way after the fact.

Did you see the producer of The Office Dan Atalla complaining about Gervais' wheelchair jokes almost 20 years later? That's a real Borgy move.

by FriesWithTomatoes August 23, 2021