Source Code

Musical Edging

When you ascend the musical scale playing every correct tone only to fuck up the last note. This removes all pleasure from the situation and completely drains the room. The note is never resolved thus satisfaction is never gained.

Last night my homies and I were playing β€œStack Tower Up 3D Builder Simulator Don’t Crash” on the switch and experienced the most heinous musical edging. Every time we’d reach the seventh note of the scale we could never reach the eighth. Serious musical blue balls.

by Timothecles October 7, 2023

music banter

A place of congregation for Animal Collective fans who argue with incandescent rage if you dare to criticise them.

animal collective rage hate music banter

by dopeacha January 31, 2010

13πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Christian music

although good for moms, you will often go to sleep with this music if you're used to pop, rap, and rock. the singers are good, but they lack in style.

blonde soccer mom: let's listen to the radio!
cool son: star 94?
blonde soccer mom: no, I wanna listen to casting crowns and toby mac!
cool son: aw come on, I've been listening to that crap since i was a baby! can we PLEASE listen to Taio Cruz?
blonde soccer mom: no Jesus isn't mentioned in it. It's permenantly Christian music.

by Blakepwner January 25, 2011

22πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

Rap music

A type of music originating in Jamaica from Ska and Dance Hall.Durivitives of Reggae,telling a story.

Selectors were the first DJ's. Them nauh spin the music they a talk it.

by Who March 2, 2005

75πŸ‘ 129πŸ‘Ž

electronic music

Music that is fucking awesome after after you've been stoned.

Dude, I just got stoned. I think that electronic music just sucked my dick.

by Nirken Mcgee February 20, 2011

56πŸ‘ 93πŸ‘Ž

Christian music

Music that is very inspiring for Christians, most people except it to sound like "Oh praise ye Holy Father... praise ye!" but it really just sounds like most music.

"Most Christian music is pretty good."

by A random somebody September 1, 2005

32πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž

sample music

To steal part of a song, usually the hook or chorus, and insert it into a crappy song so that the otherwise crappy song is tolerable. This "sampling" is usually blatantly obvious.

"Have you heard FloRida's new song 'Sugar'?"

"Ew, the one where he steals, I mean samples music from that crappy techno song 'I'm Blue'?

"Yeah, it came on the radio last night and I couldn't stay in my car, it was too horrible. I hate songs that sample music"

by Interficio August 17, 2009

14πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž