Wrapping your penis around your ring finger as if it was a ring to emulate a large grad ring. The better it bulges and has throbbing vessels is more than welcome as to bring great credit to the institution of the United States Military Academy. Most 'Ring knockers' are proud of their ring and the symbolism behind it. And you too can be proud when showing off your very own 'West Point Ring'. And if you have enough room on your dog, you can even write United States Military Academy West Point on it, for more flair add an onyx in the center.
The young Captain was more than eager to see the West Point Ring that I told him that we found in the men's locker room. When he got closer and saw that it was actually a handful of my meat whistle curled 'round my finger, he was more than impressed. Damn, Pat that is a hell of a ring ! Is there a year on it?
A neighborhood, state of mind, and Lynne's personal boot camp to turn young adults into full fledged alcoholics. Some of the most notable days in Poplar Point history include the great soup heist of 2007, the night james roasted marsh mellows with his ass cheeks, the night Collin intentionally broke a picture frame, and the 10 AM drinking session on St. Patricks day 2008. Most of the stupidity that takes place directly involves Collin who may or may not be asian and mentally handicapped.
I would go to Poplar Point tonight but I do not want my car broken into.
When you see a comment so ridiculous on social media that you instantly mute/block the poster, regardless of length of friendship or without further scrutiny of poster's page
My aunt's claim that aliens made the earth flat so they could farm us more easily was a mute point
Orthogonal intersection of infinity and uncountability that makes up space.
There are a countable number of vikaasian points in space.
(Space is Vikaasian.)
The countability of Vikaasian points in uncountable space means that myth has a structure or ontology.
the D point and legends said that there're no R3 and only L3/33 are there, and also, no suffering here
"Attack the D point!"
"Never! Defend the D point!"
"Roger that!"
"Attack the D point!"
"Attentions to the designated grid square!"
"where is the D point" - some random guy
The act of claiming that something validates your point, but you don't explain why, and instead use statements such as, "It's obvious why". Often, the thing in question DOES NOT validate your point, and so you have to lie in order to keep your point intact.
Person A: This balloon proves my model!
Person B: But why?
Person A: Why? It's obvious why!
Person B: You need a reason why.
Otherwise, you're bashing your point.
An imaginary point system awarded when a lesbian does something stereotypically lesbain.
Girl A: I just changed my oil and hammered something all while drinking a beer!
Girl B: Nice! If only you had also said "Nailed me some bitches!" You would have score bonus Bo Points.
Girl: Serena does not know how to drive a manual transmission! I am hereby stripping her of any and all accrued Bo Points.