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Super Straight

Adj. A man or woman who is only sexually attacked to the opposite gender.

Person 1: “I’m gay.”
Person 2: “I didn’t ask, but thank you for needlessly telling people your sexual orientation. I’m Super Straight.”
Person 1: *Rethinks life and compulsion to tell people about their own sexual orientation.”

by SesualChocolate April 27, 2022

68👍 2👎

Super straight

A transphobic and homophobic entity who is secretly extremely gay (more gay then gay people themself) and usually have a tentacle and egg laying fetish, they usually hate everything, especially furries, but would gladly get fucked by 10 of them.

Max: I'm super straight
Cylis: Get a life loser

*Max dies from unknown causes 5 hours later*

by Laggi the pansexual dumbass May 7, 2023

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Super Straight

Code word for Super Stupid's, those that are neurotypical but act as if they have cognitive struggles/mental disabilities.

Woman1: You know I would date him but he is a Super straight.
Woman2: What? That's a shame, I wonder why he behaves that way.

by March 12, 2021

3👍 4751👎


A "sexuality" made by transphobic heterosexuals that's simply just being straight with a preference for cisgenders

Super-straight emerged somewhere in TikTok and was passed on by transphobic trolls on social media like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Many Discord trolls also use this term to ignite drama with transgender people.

If you see one of these kinds of people, ignore them at all costs.

Person 1: I'm super-straight!
Person 2: Stop being transphobic you fucking bitch.
Person 1: How dare you act superphobic!
Person 2: It's literally just being straight but preferring cis people over transgenders.

by [massive skill issue] Robo November 22, 2021

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Super Straight

Some transphobic tiktokers decided to make it to cover them being transphobic and a mockery of the LGBTQ+ community.

“Hey I’m super straight.”
“That’s not a real sexuality and it’s transphobic.”
“Stop being superphobic!”

by IEHDUWBSHSH March 12, 2021

3👍 213👎

super straight

A man who wants to identify as a cat but is too scared of what others will think, they ask for catnip on their birthday and piss on all your carpets

Person 1: why is your boyfriend pissing on your carpet? And why does he have cat ears on?
Person 2: oh don’t mind him, he’s super straight

by Gothyyxx September 4, 2022

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Super Straight

A super straight person is someone who enjoys shitting in ash trays. Some super straights say its a hobby for them but others say its their fetish.

Noahs a super straight
“Actually? Maybe we should shit in ash trays together”

by BuzzBuzzBitches August 2, 2022

3👍 213👎