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Throw Sam Across The Room Day

that’s it. just throw them.

sam: i’m screwed
person: why?
sam: it’s throw sam across the room day

by ooooglybooogly January 19, 2021

national throw the section leader day

are you in band or strings ?? then this day is for you !! on this day you should throw your section leader because they deserve it. this day march 21st each year

“hey did you hear it’s national throw the section leader day”

by nannerbelle March 21, 2022

Triple x throw-down

the act of making love to a very fat girl

karen: are you ready for another Triple x throw-down baby?
joe: yeah just let me pop my neck back into place

karen: WUHU!

by VoiceGuy December 5, 2009

2👍 12👎

International throw short people day

A day on January 24th where you get to throw anyone under 5'4 without permission

Boy 1: Hey it's January 24th
Boy 2: So
Boy 3: International throw short people day
Boy2: -_-

by December 19, 2020

2👍 1👎

Throwing back a few quiet ones

When you are sitting around with a small group of people drinking in silence and reflecting why you are so lame not to be taking.

Me and my friends were throwing back a few quiet ones yesterday because we are lame and have no life.

by Alegra21412356 November 23, 2009

5👍 6👎

National throw short people day

for middle school you can throw dk because he is 5'4" and anyone 4'5" and below better run

me: hey bro today is october 23
bro:why is that impotant
me: because your short and it's National throw short people day
bro: no pls

by @lexisawolf May 16, 2022

14👍 26👎

Throw alicia out the window day

Throwing alicia keys out a window

Hey alicia its throw alicia out the window day

by Arianexnona October 19, 2020

2👍 3👎