A form of dictionary that helps you learn up-to-date slang. Some slang terms you can learn is slay, asf, boujee, mannequin challenge, etc.
Ashlyn: Have you heard of the Urban Dictionary?
Hudson: No, what is it?
Ashlyn: It's a new dictionary where you can learn new slang terms!
Hudson: I'll have to check it out! I can finally know why people are so disgusted by truffle butter .
The Urban Dictionary is a place that will make you lose faith in humanity and ... Just ...die for example.
Me: looks up Anna Kendrick Urban dictionary: " A sexy ass woman who is a celebrity who is in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
Hey have you seen the urban dictionary it is like hell but a book online.
ll the definitions on Urban Dictionary were written by people just like you. Now's your chance to add your own!
Please review Urban Dictionary's content guidelines before writing your definition. Here's the short version: Share definitions that other people will find meaningful and never post hate speech or people’s personal informationWrite for a large audience. Lots of people will read this, so give some background information.
Don't name your friends. We'll reject inside jokes and definitions naming non-celebrities.
Urban Dictionary is My New Favorite Website
A place that has the potential to spread word about important topics and views but is 90% sex moves and 9% Peoples names. 1% of it is actually good, relevant stuff.
Person 1: "im gonna put stuff onUrban Dictionary about The endangered Alaskan Firedragon "
Person 2: "I'm looking up Alaskan Firedragon now and it seems to be when you cum into a girls mouth and say i have herpes. causing her to cum out of her nose."
person 1: "Shit."
The fantastic website where you submit your personal definition for "slang" to the site, in which never actually lets your words go public unless you are extremely lucky.
Holy shit Urban Dictionary actually released my definition.
The website you go on when you're bored in your math teacher's pointless class.
Hey let's go search up "urban dictionary" on the urban dictionary
A website that needs to replace the Gifs with images we found on the internet so we can show off cool Artwork and stuff.