Prounounced (CLOU-DEE-BWAH)
Those things up in the sky that look down upon you and cry their little tears of freshwater. Well, this got pretty dark. Have a good day. PEACE....
Hey, look! It's some Cloudy Bois in the sky! What a fine day I'm having! :D
A nice but stranger man who wears goggles usually welding goggles around town daily. Rarely says a word just a friendly stranger who I more than a 4 eyes.
Hey rick you saw that weirdo ? Oh you mean goggle boy don’t be scared he’s nice.
a male that's so oily he'll never need lube.
Josh came over last night and now my sheets are ruined! That's the last time I ever sleep with a butter boy...
A boy, not man, that passes butter or collects butter towards others
Charles was the idiotic butter boy and constantly passed butter to the wrong people.
A teacher who is well um.. yeah.
A stalker
Yeetie boi stared at Amy for 5 minutes.
If someone has big boi thighs you go up to them and "fall" and if they're nice, they will ask," Are you okay?" and if they do, try to get to know them and if this works, you will maybe become friends.
you "trip and fall." omg, are you okay?" you: yeah, I'm fine, thanks for asking. Usually people see me fall and either laugh, or act like they don't see me. the girl with big boi thighs (or boy) : well, i'm not one of those people. you: umm, I don't actually have some where to be, so do you wanna hang out some time? the girl with big boi thighs (or boy): Sure, I'd love to. ( you should know the rest, I think?)
A small creature that will run at high speeds and attacks by jumping onto and lacking onto pray items. Once on the prey item it will scratch claw and bite it till death or loss of blood. It will proceed to eat the creature once it falls weather it be dead or alive. You can out run it as it can only run for a small period of time. Best way to defend yourself? Run.