A bitch it something most are born will it can be a feeling an action and even a look when you feel like a bitch it mean your in a horrible mood and action mean you are physically showing your horrible mood and when you look it it means you look like you in a horrible mood. But those aside it pretty much mean a person and doesn't have self respect or has too much and show it horribly.
Becky STOP being a bitch!!!!
Something that you will never get
Jake :Did you hear that John got a girlfriend
Tom : Damn he must get hella bitches unlike you
Jake : Tom we have been married for 5 years
A bitch is a also know as a girl on there period and you don’t talk to them for a week. Also know As Heidi.
Bitch such the hell up
You are a bitch
Ex: Dany and isaiah are both bitches
Ex: Dany and isaiah are both bitches