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Porch man

A porch man is urself

Ur dad is a porch man

by Porch man March 1, 2022

rennaisance man

A student (Assumed Male) who has gained proficiency at all subjects in Higher Education. Was a popular term used during the 14th Century in Europe at the start of The Rennaissance.

"I have seen The World and finally have graduated from University! I'm what you would call a Rennaisance Man. I'm surely to be popular with the ladies!" - Jun Fukuyama VA as: Giuseppe Giovanni from The Hentai Anime: The Story of Little Monica.

by TheHeroKing June 21, 2023

Funky Man ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Heโ€™s so cool

Some guy:Funky Man ๐Ÿ˜Ž

by Cactifreezus January 16, 2022

first man on

a saying in WWE2K22 in a 60 minute iron man falls count anywhere match where the referee and the superstar race to get to the pin first with the ref counting and the superstar breaking it up

john cena is first man on

by big fat tubby December 31, 2022

shee man

A fraise used to describe when someone walks in on you and your dad fucking

Shee man I almost finished why didn't u knock

by Bogboi23 September 27, 2017

pharaoh man

Pharaoh Man is a boss in the video game Mega Man 4, or Rockman 4 in Japanese. He claims to have over a thousand Mummira working for him, and you can find some of them throughout his level. Pharaoh Man himself is super difficult, though. He constantly jumps around the room throwing sun discs at you, and then a slash shot which should be easier to avoid. However, if you have Flash Stopper after defeating Bright Man, he becomes super easy to defeat. I highly recommend fighting Pharaoh Man after Bright Man.

Annoyed Gamer: "I keep losing to Pharaoh Man!"
Advisor: "Have you tried using Flash Stopper to freeze him in place and shoot him?"
Annoyed Gamer: "I don't have Flash Stopper... Where do I get it?"
Advisor: "It's in Bright Man's stage, which is easy to complete."
Annoyed Gamer: Thanks!

by Mike&Ike7828 December 12, 2022

wsg my man

what good ma man (*be swag here*)


wsg my man = wsg ma mans

for old people:

what is good my man?

for normal people:

by qwerty3.1415 April 5, 2022