An amazing human being wow he's amazing. Nobody else compares to this man. If you meet him you should give him money.
Owen D is an amazing person
That one kid in class that knows everything, but always has his hood up. He also plays baseball and throws 13 different pitches
Tommy: Hey D-shou what did you get on the chem test
D-shou: ya I got a 95, just like my fastball
8=====D means dick when you're too lazy to type it.
hey {insert bf name here} i came to see you're 8=====D tonight.
You: My dude that is so X to the D
Friend: What's that.
You: It's the cooler way to say XD (duh)
X to the D is the cooler way to say XD
the chord you play when your girlfriend asks you your size ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Person 1- What is your…size( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Person 2- *strums chord* d minor
Person 1- oh
If you are in contact with a person (usually female) with the forename Bella and a surname beginning with the letter from the Latin alphabet "B", you should treasure you relationship dearly. They are kind, helpful, funny, and an all round great person. Sure, they never do the dishwasher or unplug the vacuum cleaner, but you don't remember the bad times with them, you remember the countless good times.
Bella D ~ "Hello"
Person ~ "Omg you are so cool""