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god tier anime

An anime so good it has transcended the normal bounds of anime. Only tru anime fans watch this anime. Some people think this term refers to anime such as Attack on Titan, Naruto, etc. but those are completely different things, not worthy of the title of a God Tier Anime.

Some examples of god tier anime include; Cory in the House, Toy Story, and Shrek.

by weeaboo jones June 25, 2015

23πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Anime boy simp

An anime boy simp is someone who is a person who simps and has feeling for this thing called an β€œanime boy” they feel love towards this β€œunreal male” who will never exist.

β€œHave you heard Kelly turned into an anime boy simp?”
β€œJesus that girl has no life”

by Is that a simp ew May 22, 2021

7πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

animal instinct productions

A production company that puts so much effort into making their films great. They are also the makers of Khmara. RAWR! Much better then "The Cold Pizza"...

Animal Instinct Productions made "the minion of death" 1 and 2!

by Insaniac August 9, 2006

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

animal crossing music

the best music in the world

id rather listen to animal crossing music than play pacman

by piece of soup June 11, 2020

Stupidest animal on the planet


Cooper is the stupidest animal on the planet.

by Doug Jiggly Jr. October 19, 2021

Scratch Animators 2.0

scratch.mit.edu Scratch Animators 2.0

Scratch Animators 2.0 is a server on discord. Most of the members come from scratch.mit.edu.

by trixhd October 22, 2019

Sub-Animated State

A substitution to Physicians calling humans "Vegetables" when they are in a coma or unresponsive and saying that they are in a "Vegetative State". Humans are animals and not plants.

The patient has been in a sub-animated state for several weeks. He/she is sub-animate or a sub-animate. The term replaces the uncouth statement that he/she is a vegetable. He or she is in a vegetative state.

by Robert Laity June 30, 2017