A sudden and sometimes fatal occurrence of testicular thrombosis, typically resulting in the death of nard tissue. See nardiac arrest
I just got hit in the nards so hard I think I'm going to have a nard attack!
When your fbs increase and you feel bad
Mom i think i need to go to hospital right now! i have chak attack! I ate too much nutella
Thots that protects your home valuables or someone you love me. A ratchet you keeping the walls that haven't been fed in months that defends your house
Attack thots, attack!!!!! He heard as he pushed open the door.
When you're performing oral on someone, and they fart in your face.
I was going down on her, and she starfish attacked me.
Being attacked by a simian female that wants to mate. She accomplishes this through the use of a technique known as the monkey mount, where she straddles her intended victim. She then forcibly takes the banana.
I was sitting on my couch when the monkey attacked me.
When you're so gassy that you're farting nonstop and you have to constantly run away from the crime scene. The smell is usually very potent and you are gonna want to move it once you let the gas rip. You don't want to be blamed for a fart attack, it doesn't make for good social encounters in the future. So, beware.
Did you hear about that girl who had a fart attack yesterday? You could hear and smell her farts from across the hall. She didn't even try to hide her explosive gas. Disgusting.
The worst form of torture and the most powerful weapon of all time disguised as simple footwear with its following weapon: dad's belt
A:Hey have you seen C
B:yeah he died of slipper attack
A:poor guy