An American brand of crackers that is made by Lance Inc. They are light buttery crackers typically served with soups and salads. They are mentioned specifically in the song "Camel Walk" by Southern Culture on the Skids. Captain's Wafers' most notable claim to fame is winning the North Dakota "Best Cracker in Show" contest for 14 consecutive years
Captain's Wafers are the best cracker brand.
an American brand of crackers that is made by Lance Inc.
According to David Beard, the director of training at Lance, Inc., the name of the Captain's Wafers came from the idea that "on a ship, the captains always had the best of everything when it came to meals.
A YouTuber who does his best to make content and makes videos that a decently entertaining. I recommend go subscribing
I just watched Captain cleave on youtube and regret it jk lol go sub
Term for Arabians, generally considered a racial slur.
Look at that sand captain over there.
The person in the relationship who thinks they’re the better snack buyer, but usually a person who uses this term selfishly is not.
I.E “I am the snack captain and pretzels are a good snack.”
“You’re just mad you’re not the snack captain because you like candy.”
The commanding officer of Deep Space Nine from 2409 onwards, as well as the captain of U.S.S. Defiant.
"Is Captain James Kurland here?"
"Kurland here"
Commanding officer of Deep Space Nine and Captain of the U.S.S. Defiant as of 2409 onwards.
Voiced by Cryptic staff "Borticus".
Kurland likes to be everywhere in fact, you probably didn't notice, but he is here.
"Is Captain James Kurland here?"
"Kurland here"