J.B.Sinclaire, married to a guy with a NAME, who is an ass-hole. He plays a dangerous game with J.B. who is far more intelligent to whit he is clueless.
J.B.Sinclaire will at the proper time, wipe the French quarter clean with Alan's ass!
J.B.Sinclaire, a French Chick, from the French Quarter. She will wipe the quarter clean with Alans dumb ass!
A cute chunky girl who's got a little more to love.
Damn man, check out that marshmallow chick.
A baby piece of chicken is in a pool. Known to be a better pet than a "my soggy chicken in a pool".
A chick fell in my pool and became a "soggy chicken".
When you have a guy friend who dates girls well below his league that treat him like shit, so you get him a "Buffer Chick", she is solid 8/10 that boosts his self image and he, because of this, starts dating girls who are worth his time and attention.
"Dude I can't believe Jack dated trash like Stacy. We should get him a Buffer Chick."
-1👍 3👎
A chick tank is a tank top made for women, worn by women. And they usually have a chick slogan on the front, like "PINK" which is the slogan for Victoria Secret.
Wow, I wonder where her chick tank was this morning, in a drawer or the dirty laundry basket?
When your phone is petty and autocorrects chocolate shake
a holy roller preacher chick on tv who is hot.
"Dude, she's a hot God chick"