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Kerch Polytechnic College

The college where the 18 year old Vladislav Roslyakov injured 70 students and killed 22 students including himself with a Hatsan Escort Aimguard pump-action 12-gauge shotgun.

Person 1: what happened in kerch polytechnic college?

Person 2: theres a murder occured there recently.

by JacketSniffer November 14, 2021

college app-a-holic

One who is addicted to sending out college applications and anything related to applying for college.

dude 1: dude, why do you get so much college junk mail?
dude 2: i'm a college app-a-holic.
dude 1: dude. that's really lame.

by sirnaqvi February 11, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Franklin & Marshall College

Despite a 16 year period of derecognition the Greek Life is all Life. It's that or the Amish Life.
Home of the Diplomats
Lux et Lex "Light & Law"
Students are sometimes called "Fummers" (for "F&M-ers") or "Dips" (short for "Diplomats")
Treat Williams graduated here and is currently occupied largely by his leading role as Dr. Andrew Brown in the WB series Everwood.
Roy Richard Scheider graduted here, where he was a member of Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity, he is an Academy Award nominated American actor.

Franklin & Marshall College is a Little Ivy.

by Elizabath May 11, 2006

82๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mary Baldwin College

Squirrel (the school's mascot!) women are either going to be successful of their own right, marry rich, or both. Some are Southern ribbons and pearls kind of girls, some are sistas, some ~like~ other girls, some a combination of all three, but they all are capable, poised, and stylish. These girls have it all and can do it all, and just try to tell them otherwise!

Grad school official: Who is that gorgeous woman giving that amazing speech?
Other grad school official: She's from Mary Baldwin, and I'm definately giving her my card.
First grad school official: Not if I get there first!

by MissMBC05 October 13, 2004

132๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž

Birmingham-Southern College

Birmingham-Southern College is the Top Ranked College or University in the state of Alabama.

The college is ranked in the Top 10 Colleges in the Southeast and is among the Top 150 Private Colleges in the Nation.

Its students traditionally come from families that fall in the upper-middle to upper class bracket, and they also maintain high GPAs.

Birmingham-Southern is fairly selective in its admission process, and students report that it's even harder to stay enrolled due to its rigorous courses and heavy workload.

Many of the professors at Birmingham-Southern have ranked higher in student approval and College Review Boards than those at Yale, Vanderbilt, Duke, and Tulane Universities, respectively.

The college spends more on indvidual student services than any other school in the South. Its student-teacher ratio is approx. 12:1

Graduates from BSC are highly sought after, especially in the Southeast. It has become known as a breeding ground for future lawyers, doctors, and politicians.

Tuition at BSC is among the highest in the South, with the total collective cost (including tuiton, meal plans, books, and room and board) averaging $40,000 a year. However, its massive endowment allows for numerous scholarships for students from low-income families.

Despite its high cost of attendance, enrollment at BSC is constantly growing. In past three years, student enrollment has reached a record high. It currently (as of Fall 2009) has an enrollment of approx. 1600.

Birmingham-Southern College has been ranked as the best college in the state of Alabama, and has been described by many as a mini-Vanderbilt of sorts. Birmingham residents often refer to it as a "Southern Ivy," due to both its reputation and high cost of attendance. Its students are among the best in America, and are consistently accepted to Ivy League Graduate Programs.

by College Ranking Corporation December 7, 2009

45๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

The College of New Jersey

Probably the Best freaking public school in the state of New Jersey, and maybe even the Tri-State area. TCNJ's students are made up of some of the best leftovers that didn't have the money to afford Princeton. Many people tend to think of TCNJ in terms of Rutgers, but anyone with an STD can get into Rutgers. It takes a solid SAT score and an over-achiever's roster of extra-curriculars to get into The College. It may not be an Ivy, but it's definitely a Public Ivy. And, as the New York Times said, it's not just The College, it's "The HOT College."

Any SMART student that doesn't go to Rutgers, Rowan, Montclair, William Patterson (Willie P), Stockton, Rider, or Kean.

Some of TCNJ's best include an awesome group of (probably overpaid) student Ambassadors.

Mostly New Jersey students, but the 10% of out-of-staters include: New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Masschusettes, California, Arizona, Washington, and Kansas.

"Hey! Are you going to be one of the 10,000 sluts going to attend Rutgers with me in the fall?!"

"Well, I got in there. But, I got into The College of New Jersey as well. So, I figured I'd go to the better school. Plus, I like not having the HIV."

by Roscoe the Lion September 25, 2008

296๐Ÿ‘ 139๐Ÿ‘Ž

Northside College Prep

A place consisting mostly of nerds: true. But, if you are funky enough and have enough balls to be smart and a fuck up at the same time, then no worries. NCP's finest students can't be found getting rimjobs by teachers in math class, nor will you find them jamming books up each others asses in the library; instead, look for the top students to be taking a refreshing nature walk by the river, or stinking up the bathroom stalls. At NCP it's not all about the ACT and the SAT, what it really comes down to is the FNS. Whether you're a Friendly Neighborhood Stoner or just a plain old Funky Northside Student, you know how we do.

Dude you go to Northside College Prep? Damn you can fuck around now AND go to a good ass college later, you're totally set.

by F.N.S. June 17, 2010

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