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Urban Dictionary

1)a website that grownups can visit when they want to know the definitions of their kids' slang

2) a place where you can define expressions

1)Parents, grandparents, and other adults, are you baffled by the slang you encounter every day by kids? Come to Urban Dictionary, type in the slang you hear, and you will know what you just heard means.

2) You can't find the definitions of an expression in a regular dictionary? Come to Urban Dictionary and you will get a definition for your expression.

by Karen Stickney September 24, 2006

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Urban Dictionary

A place to go when you want to laugh at stuff you don't like because people write ben stuff about EVERYTHING here. Also useful if you want to look up sex terms. That's about it. Everything else here is mostly people's opinions, not definitions, so don't take anything seriously. Most people here depend on labels and popular culture to write their definitions and think that their cool when they're probably just no-life's with nothing better to do. And the scary thing is that you can't recognize them, because, contrary to what they say, not all retards TiPE LeiK dIs!!11!! And no, they're not all 12 year olds. (in fact, I know a lot of 12 year olds who are smarter than the people I find here)

educated person: I don't think there's a good example of <insert word> on Urban dictionary. <writes a good, non-baised description>
stupid no-life: Being racist is soooo cool. so I'm gonna define <insert race> on urban dictionary! <write a horrible, mocking, steryotype-based description>

by AndIActuallyHaveALife December 6, 2010

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urban dictionary

dictionary used by people who have nothing better to do than google their own name

i have no life, so i read urban dictionary

by bexthegreat August 7, 2007

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Urban Dictionary

It is the dictionary with all the fucked up definitions for every word that you can imagine

Dude, the Urban Dictionary has a definition for your name, and it says your gay!

by cocococococococococo March 5, 2007

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Urban Dictionary

A place that was designed to define slang and other terminology, but is now used a forum to voice political convictions and add definitions to words that should be on Wikipedia

Still a great Site. Urban Dictionary

by Boooody September 5, 2006

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urban dictionary

Really really hilarious website. The deffinitions below this may condemn it and its "authors" by saying they are rude and steroetypical, however these people apparently enjoy indulging in constant hipocrasy, as they are also rude and sterotypical. Note the morons who call the people who write clever and witty deffinitions for words "lifeless douchbag whiny teen homosexual faggot mom rapers...ect ect ect." BITTER IRONY-these people are writing deffinitions with the sole intent of making fun of people who write deffinitions here. Of course, some people are just lacking in common sense.(and no, the deffinitions here are not all useless, sometimes this site is extremely helpful) Where else would you find the deffinitions for some of these words?

While urban dictionary .com is polluted by hipocritical crusty men with nothing to do except insult the youth that their generation raised, I still spend hours here laughing histericaly and gaining a bit of enlightenment at the same time.

by por-sha August 14, 2007

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abacus dictionary

a way for saying "lets get it on, and have sex to the best protenshol"

1: wat do you think we shud do?
2: abacus dictionary

by ant dude June 14, 2010

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